Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko说, 和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.


Jarrett加德纳 is using his status as a student-athlete to create a campus where everyone feels safe, 欢迎, 并接受.



作为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳男子篮球队的中锋, 贾勒特·加德纳参加了今年的NCAA包容论坛. While there, he had the remarkable opportunity to take part in a new program offered to a select few. 这一举措对加德纳产生了很大的影响. In turn, he is making his own impact on 包容 和 belonging at the college.

他从家乡佛罗里达州的一所小型社区大学毕业后, 加德纳于2021年被招募到十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校打篮球. 很高兴有这个机会, he is now pursuing a degree in criminal justice while playing center for the team.

“代表十大网投平台信誉排行榜打球真是太棒了. 在一所小大学里当队员感觉很好. 大家都知道你是学生运动员,但他们也知道你的为人. 这对我来说太棒了.”

Gardner was one of two 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 student-athletes selected by the college to attend the 2024 NCAA 包容 Forum, 发生在四月的印第安纳波利斯.




每年举办, the forum brings together leaders in higher education 和 intercollegiate athletics to discuss diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属倡议(DEIB). 教育规划侧重于五个核心领域的包容:残疾, 国际性, 同性恋群体, 种族/民族, 和女人. 

More than 600 coaches, administrators, 和 student-athletes attended this year's program.

主讲人包括道恩·斯特利, who coached South Carolina's women's basketball team to the 2024 NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Championship title, 和LZ Gr和erson, 的专栏作家 洛杉矶时报ABC新闻 贡献者. 斯特利谈到了促进校园和媒体公平的方法, 而格兰德森则谈到了体育的团结力量. 与会者还听取了基斯·哈里森的讲话, 商学教授, 嘻哈, 中佛罗里达大学的体育项目, 谁谈到嘻哈音乐和体育运动的交集. 

Breakout sessions 和 panel discussions covered topics such as the development of adaptive sports programs, 使用包容性语言, 理解内隐偏见, 并有效地指导Z世代学生运动员.

Gardner with CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko说 和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.

Gardner with CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko说 和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.


“The speakers gave us all sorts of tools 和 strategies to take back to our 校园,” says Gardner. “I came away with so many ideas 和 ways we can improve DEIB at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校.”

但是,是什么让今年成为大会的亮点呢, 尤其是加德纳, 新的学生运动员研讨会是怎么开始的, 与论坛同期举办. 本次研讨会提供了个性化的教育项目, 装备, 和 empower student-athletes to participate 和 contribute to DEIB initiatives within their teams, 体育部门, 校园, 和社区. 

Gardner was one of just sixty students selected from nomination forms to attend the symposium, 这个小组由来自NCAA第一赛区的各20名学生组成, II, 以及来自美国各地的三种运动.

他是由苏·帕特森提名的, director of 多样性、公平、包容和归属感 at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, in part for his work in the dialogue facilitation team All Voices in Dialogue 和 in the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. 帕特森还指出,他的整体表现和与同事的互动. 她说:“贾勒特是一个安静的领导者,他让其他人感到受欢迎。. “His soft, gentle leadership invites others in 和 calls them to step up at the same time. 他入选研讨会是当之无愧的.”

Gardener says his nomination was a surprise, 和 being chosen was an incredible honor. “我太兴奋了. The NCAA is a big deal 和 to be seen as someone worthy of an additional program at the conference is just really special.”

Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko说, 和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.

Jarrett加德纳, 苏帕特森, CAPS顾问Alyssa Luther Vasko说, 和学生Kadyn Carey在NCAA包容论坛上.


Symposium speakers addressed building relationships 和 creating environments of belonging on campus. 全体会议集中讨论了包容性语言, 适应性运动项目, 股本, 预防性暴力, 围绕包容跨性别和非二元运动员的最佳实践, 以及如何保障运动员的健康.

It was nice for Gardner to meet athletes from all NCAA divisions across the country 和 to listen to their stories 和 bond over hardships. 但这次会议也是为了倾听不同的经历和挣扎, 然后探索情绪和解决方案.

“It was about making connections 和 meeting others who are on a journey like I am,” says Gardner. “We’re all growing together as student-athletes, 和 we can be so powerful as one unit.”

The final symposium session tasked student-athletes with setting goals 和 creating action plans to promote 和 practice 包容 和 belonging on their 校园.

加德纳没有浪费时间. 从会议回来后不久, he 和 Patterson met with 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s chancellor Ron Darbeau 和 Brent Baird, 体育主任, 讨论在大学的推广. Gardner wants to boost what is already in place 和 to implement new programs.

Strongly impacted by conversations about mental health that took place at the conference, he hopes to offer mental health panels for athletes where professionals can share information 和 coping tools. The panels would also offer a chance for student-athletes to share their thoughts 和 struggles in a safe place.

“当你在校园里看到我的时候, 你看到一个总是微笑的人,并试图让其他人微笑. 但我也有自己的挣扎,我很少谈论. 我知道我的队友可能也不是. 我想让人们可以对心理健康问题和问题说出真相.”

Gardner is also excited about starting a mentorship program within 体育运动 that would pair upper classmen with students just starting their college careers. 在他与达博和贝尔德的会面中, Gardner spoke about how helpful it would have been to have had established athletes show him the ropes 和 share resources with him during his first year. 他谈到了作为一名有色人种学生, 他在那段时间的经历与白人学生不同. Recognizing that 和 offering more means of 包容 would make not only student-athletes, 但是他们校园里的同龄人, 有更好的归属感.

Gardner hopes returning athletes as well as athletic alumni could serve as mentors.

Patterson believes it is this type of work that would put 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 at the forefront of true 包容 using athletics as a venue.

“在整个会议期间观看贾勒特真是太棒了,”她说. “I believe it was transformative for him 和 that he realized the impact he can have on others.”

“这是一次很棒的经历,非常鼓舞人心. 我认为这对我来说是非常必要的,”加德纳说. “It helped me discover that I have an important voice 和 that I can use it to improve things on campus, 尤其是对学生运动员来说. I hope that I can be the starting point of creating a more inclusive, safe environment. 我很感激有这个机会.”